Monday, October 27, 2008

NOT ME! Monday

Yay! I didn't forget this week! I actually look forward to Monday now!

This week I have not been a complete slacker and procrastinator with EVERYTHING! I have not been slacking on blogging. And I did not procrastinate folding a huge pile of laundry for a whole week. Nope, not me!

I did not go clothes shopping for myself this weekend and no one else. I would never be so selfish. I did not buy some really cute winter boots in the little girls section, because my feet are not freakishly small, so I definitely would have to go the women's section.

I did not let the kids eat pizza for dinner three times this week, because that would be extremely unhealthy and just too easy. I was not being a lazy slacker mom! Not me!

Saturday night was not a horrible night and I was not in a bad mood the whole day. I did not have plans to go to a Halloween party with friends and the plans fell through. I did not then decide I wanted to go to the movies with my hubby instead. My MIL did not say she wouldn't watch the kids for us so I was not completely irritated the rest of the night because she does not watch my SIL's kids every weekend. My whole weekend was not absolutely ruined :-(

I have not been a bad secret keeper. I did not tell two secrets to my hubby this week that I promised not to tell anyone. I would not do that!

At the grocery store today I did not open a box of animal crackers for the kids to eat so they would keep quiet while I shopped. I do not do that. I always pay for something before I open it.

I did not win my first blog award this week! The "I love your blog" award from Melissa!

To join the fun visit MckMama's Blog and tell everyone what YOU did NOT do this week!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Very adorable children! Ya, I never feed pizza more than once a week either because it's easy! :)