Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm officially a mommy of THREE!

Well, do you remember my last post? I posted it on Sunday morning at 1:47am. I wrote it and published it right then. It wasn't an "auto post" or anything.
Well, my son decided to arrive about, welllll... less than 4 hours after I posted that. Lol.

That's right! Chase Michael arrived FAST and FURIOUS on Sunday morning! 5:26am to be exact!

I felt fine all day. No pains or anything. I couldn't sleep that night and I was up a little late cleaning and playing around online a little bit. Got my first contraction around 2:30am. I started timing them. The next few were about 15-20 minutes apart. I figured he was coming and it was time to get ready, but I've never went to the hospital until they were about 5 minutes apart. About 3:50am, after only having a few contractions, my water broke. I freaked out and got my bags ready, called my mom to come get the kids, and made a few more phone calls. My contractions were about 3 minutes apart by this point. I had to wait for my mom to get there until I could go to the hospital, so we didn't get there until a little after 5am. I was in SCREAMING pain and the contractions were right on top of eachother. Long story short, I basically changed quickly into the gown and got into the bed and felt pressure right away so they checked me and sure enough the nurse said "I feel no cervix left" Holy cow. They never had time to give me my IV or fill out my admittance papers or anything. No epidural for me!!! And in about 3 pushes he was out!

My total labor from the first contraction until the time he was born was less than 3 hours! And the total time of ACTIVE labor was about an hour and a half. Can we say WORLD'S FASTEST LABOR?!! Haha. If I would've waited any longer to go to the hospital, he would've been born at home or in the car!

So here he is! Arrived August 30th at 5:26am weighing in at 6lbs 15oz and was 19inches long! My smallest baby!

He is so perfect and his brother and sister just LOVE him! He is the perfect mix between the two of them as newborns!

So far everything is going GREAT! It's been a pretty smooth transition so far. I've got tons more pictures I will be posting soon :-)

Oh, and want to know something weird? He was born less than 48 hours after his cousin Dion (read my last post). And they were born in the same hospital, in the SAME hospital ROOM. Pretty crazy, huh? They really can't get any closer than that. I can't wait for them to be the best of friends!!!


Jessi said...

He's gorgeous!!! Congratulations! I hope my next labor is like that LOL!!

Cammie said...

He is TOO cute!! Congrats and holy moly on almost not making it to the hospital!!

Anonymous said...

How precious! Can't wait to see more pictures and here how everyone is adjusting! Congrats!

Nishant said...

He's gorgeous!!! Congratulations

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