Sunday, February 21, 2010


What's THIS? A new blog post? :)
Yes, yes, I know. I have officially fallen off of the face of the earth in blog land. I have still been reading a few people's blogs although I rarely comment. And I do facebook a lot. I just thought actually keeping up with writing on my blog was a little too much work. I want to try to keep up though. I miss all my blog friends!

You probably wouldn't even recognize my kids, ya know, if I showed you a picture. Which, of course, I WILL. :)

Our big boy has absolutely officially lost any ounce of baby-ness he's had. It's gone. He's three and a half. And a very big boy. He's been potty trained for quite a few months now. We're looking into preschools for him to start this Fall. Unbelievable. That really makes his mommy sad.

THIS big girl is still undoubtedly the princess of the family. Little miss is talking up a storm. We're starting the potty training process with her now, at two and a half years old. I hope she gets it by three. She's been a daddy's girl more than ever lately and is absolutely in love with her baby brother. She "mommys" him a lot. Always wants to feed him. Change him. Burp him. Love him, hug him, kiss him. And I just love it. She's a wonderful big sissy!

Chase is now almost SIX months old. Yep, I said SIX. Holy cow, where has the time gone? He started eating solids not too long ago. He loves it but he's still trying to get the hang of it. He babbles up a storm all day long. Loves jumping in his jumperoo. Adores his big sissy. Thinks his big brother is the funniest thing in the world. It's the cutest. He doesn't really like to laugh and giggle for anyone else other than his big bubba. It's very precious. The little guy is starting to sit up unassisted. He still has no teeth. He rolls and rolls and rolls bunches of times when I put him down for play time or tummy time. He scoots a lot too. I'm pretty sure we will have a crawler in the next two months or so. My big boy weighs a very healthy 19 pounds now. He's just doing great and we love him to pieces.

Dallas and I are doing great too. We've been trying to work on "us" a lot lately. We just felt the last few years that the kids were in the way of time for us. And it really sucked. I guess that's what having three kids in under three years does to you though. But we're working on us and it's been nice. We went to San Francisco for Valentine's Day weekend. Alone, just the two of us. It was great. We had lots of fun. It was a little weird being alone and not having the kids with us. There was actually more to talk about for once other than diapers, naps, snacks and bedtime. We really needed it though and I am glad we went. He is currently taking his 6 weeks paid family leave from when Chase was born. So it has also been nice to have him home and help me out a bit.

Life has just been really good (and busy) for us lately. I hope some of you are still out there and will still read when I DO happen to blog. I really do want to try to pick it back up again.

Aren't they just the CUTEST?! Hehe :)

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