Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting to know Chase

Does everyone like the new look of my blog? I had quite a few things to update. I'm not sure if anyone has read all the new things under all the pictures on my side bar. I FINALLY added Chase. Ahem. I really did abandon my blog, huh?

Anyway, I wanted you all to get to know my wonderful little guy!

Mr. Chase is almost 6 months old now. And he sure is the apple of all of our eyes!

He's a very happy baby boy and always has the biggest smiles for his mommy!

His sissy and bubba just absolutely adore him, as he does them. They probably give him a thousand hugs and kisses every day. It's a very precious thing to watch.

He is pretty easy to please. He loves to eat, sleep, jump in his jumper and play peek a boo with his daddy. Some of his other favorite things are chewing on everything and playing with his feet!

He's meeting all of his milestones like a champ. He's gradually starting baby food, and I am trying to give him all of it homemade. He's learning to sit and roll and scoot. I just know he'll be mobile in no time at all. He's all gums right now, but we're pretty sure we will be seeing some teeth very shortly!

He is just an absolute joy to be with and love and watch grow! He will be our last baby for quite a while so we are just trying to soak it all up.

We love our sweet handsome boy!

1 comment:

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I love when babies have those little rolls- he looks like a doll.