Friday, October 17, 2008

I've been tagged!

Thanks to MamaJoss at Dribbles & Diapers!

1. I love ice tea & everyone tells me I make the best!
2. I have 3 brothers and NO sisters :-/ I was always mad at my parents for that one... lol
3. I have no blood nieces or nephews but since coming into my hubby's family, we have EIGHT from his brothers and sisters. I love being an auntie!
4. I would mostly consider myself a "girly girl" but I LOVE sports (especially football) eating pizza, drinking beer and playing poker (I'm pretty good at it too!)
5. I have 6 piercings. 4 in my ears (2 in each), my belly button and my nose.
6. I've always wanted a big family and lots of kids. I'd even love to have twins someday and most people probably think I'm crazy.
7. My son was conceived on my 18th birthday! What a great present, huh? :0)

How's that for RANDOM?

Now, I am tagging:
1. Jessi at The Crazy Life of a Mother and a Wife
2. Laura at Mama Laura
3. Melissa at Life With 3 Boys & a Little Lady
4. Danika at Short Chick
5. Rachael at -little bites of heaven-
6. Devin at Our very Full House
7. Maggie at Harden Triplets

Only if you're up to it!
Have fun, it's Friday! :0)


Devin said...

Hi Mama Amber!

Glad you came over to find me, and I'm certainly up for this tag challenge!

Might take me a few days (hee hee) but I'll post as soon as I can.

Looking forward to blogging with you my friend--and your babies are quite adorable!

Melissa said...

Oh, how fun...I've never been tagged before!!!